Dream Time

Hi World,

They say that dreams are just a compile of memories all randomly mashed up to create what you see. So, if you see something in your dream you at one point and second in you life have actually seen it. Sometimes this theory or science I have trouble believing when I get a very movie like dream. I have them often. I actually would pray, asking God to let me have no dreams. They seem to real. As I got older I still wish for no dreams and haven’t gotten them as often as I did when I was younger. So here we are…This one was a way crazy, that I had to share. I don’t remember all of it but, I want to share the parts I do remember. You may not believe I had this dream, but I totally did. So here it goes…

It was night time. I was in a woodsy place with barn like buildings (If you have been to, “The Castle,” in Muskogee OK. it looks similar to that area). It was a row of them with missing sides so you could see the outside into the woods. A group of us where heading to a mobile home at the end of it. we where trying to get out of there before something happen. I remember going back for a iPhone charger for my sister. Then some lady said that it had begun. we heard explosions and I saw a lot of the buildings, trees and other structures on fire. we where running, trying to get away. there was several people trying to get away. We had to be quiet. When we got out into the clearing where the mobile home was. The mobile home had a glass ceiling so you could see the sky. As we ran up to the mobile home a baby was crying and the mom was trying to get it to be quiet. One of the ladies there was trying to get it to be quiet because, the creatures didn’t see unless you made a loud sound. it could only see that person or thing. So, we heard the creatures coming. we ran into the mobile home but, the baby and the mom where not lucky. That is  when we saw those creatures fly down and snatch the baby and the mom. They were red gargoyles. They breathed fire and flew. I remember hearing getting into the mobile home and being under the glass ceiling. huddling with three other people trying not to make a sound (this reminded me of that movie, “The Quiet Place”). I could feel my heart beating like crazy completely scared. I kept on telling my self too be quiet to scream in the inside. I remember squeezing my eyes close and screaming in the inside as I heard the mom and the child be taken by  this creature. we all kept quiet and the creatures left. 

After this part. I know something else happen but, I totally forgot. somehow we got to the city.

It was day time. I could see the city down below from a van I was in. Like getting at the top of a hill and the city was below. we got supplies. we where driving down the street when all hell broke loose. The creatures gotten to the city. I looked up and I saw a jet of black in the sky but at the end of it was one of those red gargoyles. People where running all over the place and screaming. The driver told us to stay still and not make a noice. That the creatures would not see us. we all didn’t move as we saw the scene unravel before our eyes. It also looked like somehow the animals of the zoo got loose because then we saw an elephant come charging. We all slightly looked at each other but didn’t make a sound. The elephant missed us and ran passed us. While everyone was screaming and running the gargoyles would swoop down and pick them off. They would tear the people apart. At this point I felt so scared and kept on repeating in my mind to stay quiet, don’t make a sound or sudden movement. Finally after a while the crowd dispersed and we where surrounded by total silent. If felt like we didn’t want to make a sound just in case. finally we started the van and started driving. We went up a hill and down a deserted road that only had sand an the beach. There we saw a huge octopus craw up the street. 

After this I don’t remember what happened next to get us to this next part.

We got to this very nice home. We where staying there with other people I knew.  It was a modern type home with glass everywhere. we all whispered around but, somehow I knew it was safe. A few things happen here but, I can’t remember. however, the last part I remember was that there was an upstairs. The family of the house had thrown a child birthday party. It was for there little girl. They had several parents and children playing in the top floor. One side of the building was all glass and would. They had a very large glass with wood balcony with glass doors that were open. The little kid were all playing quietly outside and a few inside with the parents watching. I had gone upstairs to see. Suddenly, on of the kids gave a toy to an adult by the door. He pressed something and it started making a very loud sound. The other adults yell at the kids to run inside the building. I was running to the door to get into the main part of the building but, a man pushed the people trying to get in and shuts the door. The poor parents can’t get the children that didn’t make it inside. The kids a few parents and I can’t get to the lower level of the home. that’s when the creatures come. I literally look around to find a hiding place and the only thing I see is a coffee table. all the little kids are screaming and crying at this time. I run under the table and try to be quiet. I am breathing heavily and am freaking out. the creatures crash through the  glass windows and all the kids are screaming. someone is yelling to be quiet to not cry because, they will get you. I hear three little girls trying to be quiet but every sound making them scream. I whispered at them in Spanish, “callensen” which mean, “be quiet.”  Then I stay quiet but, I can hear my breathing so loudly. I was so scared. If those little girls didn’t get quiet, the gargoles where going to get them. Then it would possibly get me by hearing my loud breathing. I was breathing like I ran a race. I was freaking out inside. I told my self to calm down to take some deep breath.. I’m telling myself to be quiet. Then I felt pressure on my back. Like something landed on my back. No, one of those creatures landed on my  hiding spot and its weight had pressed it down on top of me…

That is when I woke up. I heart was hammering. I was actually sleeping on my stomach. I woke up with that pressure on my back. It felt so real but, I was so glad it was a dream.

Crazy right…


Sir Isaac Newton

"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants."

William Shakespeare

"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."


"Dance as though no one is watching, Love as though you never been hurt, Sing as though no one can hear you, Live as though heaven is on earth."